Source Code

Choose a version: and click here to download.

Or you can download through our github page.


TNSG uses many features of the Fortran 2003 standard, and can be successfully compiled by GNU fortran compiler later than 5.4.0 version.

TNSG uses MPI for parallel programming. A popular choice is Openmpi.

TNSG uses Lapack and Blas as math library. Or you may use Intel Math Kernel Library which integrets Lapack and Blas.


In Debian/Unbuntu, the prerequisites can be installed by

apt-get install gfortran
apt-get install libopenmpi-dev
apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev


In CentOS, the prerequisites can be installed by

yum install gcc
yum install openmpi openmpi-devel
yum install blas blas-devel lapack lapack-devel

One may also need to load the module for openmpi

module add name_of_openmpi

Mac Os

In Mac Os, it would be conveniet to use a pack manager such as Homebrew. Then the prerequisites can be installed by

brew install gcc
brew install openmpi
brew install openblas lapack

Installation Guide

TNSG can be installed with make. Configuration have to be set in the file. A for a Linux or Mac OS running GNU compilers is given in the main directory. Then the user can run "" in the current directory to build the standard library "output/TNSG_x"(x for version), and do "make test" to run the test PEPS program.

Using TNSG in Your Program

Before using TNSG, the module should be used

use mod_name

To use the TNSG in your code, you should use the following option when compiling your code


and the following option to link your code with the TNSP

-L$(TNSG)/TNSG_x/lib -lib_name

, where $(TNSG) is the TNSG directory and x is the version. And make sure you have linked TNSG with the math library.

For avaliable mod_name and lib_name, please visit our document page.